2022 Goals

Apartment 304’s 2021 year-end summit was a smash. We played games, and team bonded, and ate (and ate and ate) good food, but the strongest chord struck during team presentations. Spencer asked a question about goals for 2022, and I realized that I was so focused on company goals that I hadn’t thought about my own. Fortunately for me, Keith prepared a presentation on goal setting. I’ll follow his lead.

Write more

Communication is a superpower, and written communication is a necessity for remote companies. The trouble is, I find writing laborious, almost painful. For me, writing is technical. I can’t help feeling the words would be better off in another order, or with fewer, or more. Editing turns minutes to hours, to days, to a drafts folder I rarely revisit. I’d like to stop that, so I’m going to practice letting myself off the hook. The first step is committing, so I won’t let “perfect” stop “good enough.”

Goal: Write 12 posts in 2022.

Read more

I used to read voraciously. I still enjoy it, but it’s all too easy to give in to television when I unwind from the day. I’d like to rediscover the joy and gently exercise the mind with fun and thought-provoking reads.

In particular, I’ll focus on books. I frequently read and write short-form communications (SMS, Slack, e-mail — the last bastion of digital letter-writing), and I’ve noticed a slow progression towards writing in fragments, expecting the recipient to use context to fill the blanks. It seemed harmless as it crept in, but it’s increasingly jumping into thought and speech. I think reading the long-form text found in published works will solidify the shape and size of language. With luck, I’ll improve my writing, too.

First up for 2022: The Last Grain Race by Eric Newby, and To Sell is Human by Daniel Pink.

Goal: Read 24 books in 2022; 12 for fun, 12 for growth.

Exercise regularly

I could have kept the headings consistent with “Exercise more,” but I think regularity should be my focus. New Year’s resolutions to get in shape are trite, but I’ve made goals to exercise my mind, so I should exercise my body too. I’ll start small, and work my way up.

Goal: Exercise vigorously twice weekly.

Become a better manager and mentor

This one is decidedly harder to define. In short, I want to do what I can to help others achieve their goals. I’m keeping my eyes open for opportunities with friends and family, and I’ll pay particular attention to 304 teammates. We’re all in this crazy world together, and if the last few years have proven anything, it’s that wonderful things can happen when we help each other.

Goal: Help the 304 team achieve their goals.

Love deeply and thoroughly

This one isn’t so hard to define. My wife and I were fortunate enough to marry last year. (Pandemic wedding planning was an adventure.) This is just the start of our greatest adventure, and I want to give our relationship the attention it deserves, and give her the love she deserves.

Goal: Have at least 1 date-night a week, and cook dinner at least twice a week.

Update personal website

This one is self-serving. US Admiral and Navy SEAL William H. McRaven recommends starting each day with an accomplishment, so I thought I’d start the year with one.

Goal: Update my personal website.

My first goal for 2022 is done. Time to get to work.