2022: Year in Review

2022: A year in a line of unforgettable years. It was another step closer to normalcy from the pandemic lockdown, but self-imposed changes replaced the chaos of the pandemic in this busier-than-usual year. As a result, some of my 2022 goals followed the best-laid plans of mice and men, turned sideways by shifting priorities. I’m not bothered by those goals I didn’t accomplish, though. They made sense at the start of 2022 but didn’t fit by the end of the year. And that’s okay. Life changes; goals can, too.

The big event of the year was moving from Southern California to the San Francisco bay area. Janice and I planned to look at houses late in the year, but our timeline accelerated as the market climbed relentlessly. It was a hectic whirlwind buying a house, but we got through the process and celebrated our first wedding anniversary by moving boxes into our charming home, followed by milkshakes at the movies. It’s a high bar to clear next year. Soon after we finished unpacking, we found our puppy, Jack. We’re working through his teenage phase, but he still listens to us if he thinks he’ll get a treat out of it. He’s a handful, but he’s smart and cute and has a great temperament. Plus, his walks help keep my exercise goal on track.

We traveled like we were making up for past years. We visited Cancun, Palm Springs, Hawaii, and Las Vegas with friends and family. It isn’t a coincidence that they were all warm and relaxing — everyone deserves R&R, if only for a weekend. I also enjoyed a work trip to Chicago for GopherCon and a company summit. Seeing the team in person is always a pleasure, and I look forward to future summits.

This year had good wind on the water. Janice and I sailed Hobie Cats in the warm Cancun water every day during our trip. We placed 2nd in the very official Club Med regatta — a grand event where each race started by pushing the boats off the beach and ended sailing back up on the sand. What fun. We also sailed Hobie Cats in Mission Bay when visiting Daniel and Sosse in San Diego. There we saw UCI and Cal (among other west coast schools) sailing in a collegiate event — a fun throwback. Most recently, we’ve taken advantage of the windy San Francisco Bay, racing with fellow Anteaters Will and Deanne and match racing with Stephanie.

It was a great year, and I’m optimistic about another one in 2023. I’ll repeat 2022’s goals — we’ll see if I can keep them through the year.

2023 Goals

Write more — Write 12 posts for the personal site or Apartment 304.

Read more — Read 24 books; 12 for fun, 12 for growth.

Exercise regularly — Exercise at least twice weekly.

Become a better manager and mentor — Help the 304 team achieve their goals.

Love deeply and thoroughly — Have at least one date-night a week, and cook dinner at least twice a week.

Jack wearing a bandana